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ACT Premier Bundle is the comprehensive and essential ACT prep and college admissions tool from Kaplan, the leader in test prep for 75 years. Kaplan's ACT Premier Bundle provides all of the strategies, practice, and advice you need to ace the ACT and get into the college of your choice! In 2013, more than 1.8 million high school students took the ACT. Despite the popularity of the ACT, only one in four students met or surpassed college readiness benchmarks in all four ACT subjects (Math, Reading, English, and Science).College admissions is becoming more competitive and costly each year, making a high score on the ACT essential. A high ACT score sets you apart from the competition and opens up scholarship opportunities. Kaplan understands how important it is for you to do well on the ACT and make your college dreams a reality. Kaplan's ACT Premier Bundle includes the following: 1. Kaplan ACT 2015 Strategies, Practice, and Personalized Feedback with 8 Practice Tests * Eight Full-Length Practice Tests: Each practice test includes detailed answer explanations, plus there hundreds of additional practice questions in the book. * SmartPoints: A Kaplan-exclusive strategy that identifies the most popular topics and question types on the exam, allowing you to focus your time appropriately and earn the most points on Test Day. * Perfect Score Tips: Advice and strategies from students who got a perfect score and top ACT instructors. * Online Center: Online quizzes, videos, flashcards and more to help you study. * Fast Fact DVD and Videos: Kaplan's best tutors review the most important concepts from each chapter in short video tutorials. 2. Your College Admissions Game Plan * Four-Year Plan: A detailed breakdown for each year of your high school career, explaining how to use your time to prepare for getting into the college of your choice. * Scholarships and Financial Aid: Detailed information on obtaining scholarships and financial aid. * Applying to College: Expert tips and advice on how to choose and apply to the best colleges for you. 3. College Admissions Zone * Online Planning Tool: Kaplan's exclusive College Admissions Zone is a one-stop library of information for everystep of the college admissions process. * Wealth of Resources: Includes articles, e-magazine guides, interactive tools, recommended sites, and webinars. * College Admissions : Guidance on applying to schools, taking college entrance exams, paying for college and financial aid, and what to do once you're accepted. Kaplan has helped more than 3 million students successfully prepare for their future, and we promise ACT prep you can trust. Kaplan ACT Premier Bundle is the tool to make your testing goals a reality -- guaranteed!

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This failure is due to the inability of international tribunals to capture the distinctive nature of individual responsibility for crimes that are collective by their very nature.These unsung heroines'e(tm) victories, and those of the other women profiled in Because of Sex , dismantled a 'eoeMad Men'e world where women could only hope to play supporting roles; where sexual harassment was 'eoejust the way things are'e; and where pregnancy meant getting a pink slip.It paints a fascinating portrait of the development of the rule of law in the multilateral trading system and allows some of the most important names in GATT and WTO history to share their stories and reflect on the WTO's remarkable journey from a "provisionally applied treaty" to an international organization defined by its commitment to the rule of law.Although the authors address particular resources separately - including private and public rights in waterways (including the public trust doctrine), wetlands, wildlife, water, minerals, forests, grazing, recreation, and renewable resources - they draw frequent comparisons of the law's treatment of natural resources to allow students to analyze the consistency or inconsistency of natural resources law across diverse subject areas.At the heart of the collection is the problematic issue of continuity and similarity among fascist systems and preceding, contemporaneous and subsequent legal orders, an issue that goes to the heart of fascist regimes' historical identity and the complex relationship between them and the legal orders constructed in their aftermath.Whether he is writing about wartime atrocities or local history, the slaughter of the Jews or Celtic hagiography, he speaks with authenticity ...Now, having had unprecedented access to a vast number of sources, and conducted hundreds of interviews, including with key insiders, award-winning Irish Times journalist Ruadhan Mac Cormaic lifts the veil on the court's hidden world.In particular the effect of the internet is considered in some detail, since it is now an enormously important means of instant communication, via websites and email.Series: Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law) Subject: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Comparative Law], In recent years, the question whether judges should defer to administrative decisions has attracted considerable interest amongst public lawyers throughout the common law world.